Contact Info

Beirut, Clemenceau George Cyr Road, Haya 1161 Building, 1st Floor

+961 71 027 000

She Leads


She Leads

About “She Leads”

She Leads is a joint program of Plan International Netherlands, Defense for Children – ECPAT the Netherlands (DCI-ECPAT), African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET), and Terre des Hommes the Netherlands (TDH). Equal Measures 2030 is a technical partner. The consortium unites child rights organizations, feminist/women’s rights organizations, and GYW-led groups. It is situated at the intersection of child rights, gender equality and civic space. She Leads is implemented in 7 countries in Africa, 2 countries in the Middle East (Lebanon, Jordan), on regional and international level, and it includes a component in the Netherlands.

Members of She Leads Consortium in Lebanon:

She Leads will be implemented in Beirut and Mount Lebanon, South Lebanon and Tripoli.

As part of “She Leads” Project, Family Rights Forum, in partnership with Terres Des Homme Italy in Lebanon, scope of work includes activities and events such as: panel discussions, training of trainers (TOT), awareness sessions, peer to peer sessions, initiatives and various events.