Shew Leads
She Leads is a joint programme of Plan International
Netherlands, Defense for Children - ECPAT the Netherlands
(DCI-ECPAT), African Women’s Development and Communication...

“Mechanism of Including Girls and Young Women in Decision Making Process” Panel Discussion during the period 16 Days of Activism.

Six peer educators (aged between 18 to 24 years old) participated in a three days training of trainers (TOT) on

12 December, 2021 Chayah, Lebanon Outreach session conducted by Alaa, one of the peer educators of “She Leads”, on Gender

With a focus on girls, the project “RISE”, supported by Malala Fund, will address the problem of street-connected children. In particular, young Lebanese and refugee girls...

A professional consultant have conducted a desk review on all related studies from the Child protection sector, GBV sector, especially

Overall process: The beneficiaries’ outreach, identification and selection have been implemented by outreach teams, under the overall management of the

One of the key results of our project is to issue a policy paper to inform decision-makers, such as government
Her Rights in Motion
Awards Ceremony – Advocacy through Video, Competition Inspired by Women Rights