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Panel Discussion During 16 Days Of Activism

During the period 16 Days of Activism, on December 8, 2021; Family Rights Forum in collaboration with Terre des hommes Italy in Lebanon conducted a panel discussion under the title “Mechanism of Including Girls and Young Women in Decision Making Process” as part of “SHE LEADS” project.

The aim is to address the challenges that girls and young women confront in terms of judicial and legal issues, educational , social and civil society dimensions, as well as the need of coordinated strategies and policies targeted at empowerment, decision-making, and participation.

Panelist included:

Ms. Hilda Khoury, Director of Counseling and Guidance at Ministry of Education and Higher Education

Ms. Ghada Abu Alwan, General Attorney in Nabatiyeh

Ms. Asmaa Dagher, Head of Family Rights Forum and Head of Women’s Committee at Lebanese Bar Association

Ms. Josephine Zgheib, Female Rights Activist and Member of Kfardebbianne Municipality

And moderated by Ms. Hayat Mirshad, Female Rights Activist.

Event Gallery

Event Details

Organizer : Family Rights Forum

Start Date : 8 - 12 - 2021

End Date : 24 - 12 - 2021

Event Venue

Address : Beirut, Lebanon