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2- Focus Group Discussions

2- Focus Group Discussions

Focus Groups with Children:

A group of resilient street-connected children from different backgrounds came together at a focus group discussion organized by Family Rights Forum in collaboration with Jafra Foundation in Burj Al Barajneh on March 22, 2023. This discussion was part of “RISE” project supported by Malala Fund.

Focus Group with NGOs:

A focus group discussion on April 13, 2023 in Maison D’avocat had brought together National and International NGOs Representatives to the reality of street-connected children, with a focus on girls.

Focus Group with Governmental Institutions:

Family Rights Forum held a focus group discussion under RISE project, supported by Malala Fund, with the participation of the organization’s representative Rana El-Houjeiri, Judge Fawzi Khamees, and representatives of the Ministry of Education, Labor, Social Affairs and concerned institutions.

#RISE project aims to address the phenomenon of street connected children and support those who live and work on the streets, especially girls, by collaborating with Lebanese authorities to implement urgent social protection measures for street children, ensure every child’s right to quality education, and strengthen primary health care and child protection services.

The focus group discussion focused on the creation of a policy paper to tackle the phenomenon of street connected children, and participants discussed important recommendations to address the root causes of the issue, with the hope that the necessary resources and financial support will be available.